Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #7: The Magician

Once, a very long time ago, there was a magician who knew only one spell, and it was a spell that could change the world. They’d hoped, upon becoming a magician, to be able to battle dragons or to create gold from straw or to make villains see the error of their ways, but none […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #6: The Devil

She paused before entering the central chamber. The journey here had been easier than she had anticipated – suspiciously so, she realized. It was almost certainly a trap, but she had no choice but to enter so she could rescue the captives inside. With a shout, she kicked the door open. “Oh, thank goodness you […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #5: 6 of Cups

A life’s work doesn’t always present itself as a flash of insight or a burning bush. Sometimes it’s a slow dawning, something that reveals itself from within – day by day by day.   He’d been a soldier all his life, and liked it well enough. He appreciated the simplicity of it, knowing what needed […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #4: 7 of Pentacles

The thing about work is that most of us don’t really like it very much. Even those who do what they love, mostly they love having done the thing, not so much the act of doing it. And the harvester was no exception. After the tasks of planting the seeds, tending the plants, and pulling […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #3: 8 of Wands

What do you see? Missiles launched to repel the invaders. Brave defense of our people, our lands and castles, our way of life and our traditions. Victory. Justice. What do you see? Incoming weapons from those who mean to destroy us. The precursor to an occupation, meant to soften our defenses and our will. Terror. […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #2: 10 of Pentacles

He was the sort of man who often said, “Being rich is almost as good as being King.” And he pulled together the trappings and symbols of that “almost” around him like the cloak he wore. Fine those symbols were, and well-made, without a doubt. He spent his life and his industry accumulating those trappings, […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot stories #1: Page of Wands

Once upon a time, there was a young person who was ready to set out from their village for the first time, and as is so often the case, the village gathered the night before to feast and offer advice. “What you need, young one,” the old man said, “is a good hat. If you […]

Tarot Writing

About Tarot Stories

I am currently in the Raleigh airport, waiting to fly back to Chicago from an amazing exploration of myth and story facilitated by Martin Shaw. It’s been such a great experience, and this morning I woke inspired To begin a new writing project here. Still using the tarot, but focusing on a card as a […]