Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #49: 4 of Wands

There was once a group of friends who hadn’t gotten together for a long time. They hadn’t drifted apart, exactly, but each of them had some set of problems and challenges that made it difficult for them to reach out and connect with the others. Some felt that their jobs were something to be ashamed […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #48: The Emperor

There is a land far from here that was once ruled over by a man whose beard had grown long and whose heart had remained softer than was probably wise. He had become the ruler of this land because he was born to it and because it seemed that no one else who wanted the […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #47: 9 of Cups

Once there was a merchant who took pride in cornering the market in whatever they happened to be selling that day. It made for some interesting trades before the marketplace opened. Swapping a fine horse for every button another seller owned seemed like a foolish bargain at first, but as the merchant had also traded […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #46: The Empress

She arrives in dreams, always with the same question. That’s her function, her purpose. She appears from the mists of imagination and the depths of subconscious and the furthest reaches of fantasy and asks, “What if there is enough for everyone?” The question comforts some and frightens others, and in truth her purpose is neither […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #45: 7 of Cups

Once there was a person who died, and then their adventure began in earnest. After a fair bit of rest, they decided that they were ready to give the world another go, and let management know that it was ttime to see what their options were. They went to the showroom, where all the options […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #44: The World

Once there was a woman who stepped through a portal to another world, and in so doing forgot all that she had done to that point. It was a part of the cost, you see – crossing to another world is hard work, and one must travel light and leave many things behind. She didn’t […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #43: Strength

Once there was a Lion who went in search of a Lady to lure away from her home and out into the open plains where the Lion could easily catch her. The Lion was swift and strong, and clever enough to know that it would take some work to entice the Lady to follow. The […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #42: 8 of Pentacles

There was once a craftsman of such skill that the gods themselves took notice. Now, this may sound like a wonderful thing, to be so talented as to draw that sort of attention, but the gods can be fickle and jealous, and having their awareness can be a mixed blessing. In this case, the gods […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #41: 5 of Pentacles

Once there was a priest who was regularly at odds with their superiors in the order. The priest believed that the church’s highest mission was to help people, whatever their faith, while the higher-ups felt that the whole point was to give glory to their god through the rites enacted inside the church’s four walls. […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #40: 10 of Swords

Now, most of the time you need only slay an enemy once, and that’s plenty, right? One enemy, one life, after all. In fact, if you’ve been paying attention, you’ll remember that disabling an enemy is usually enough, and there’s no need to waste time with a killing blow.   Oh, you’ve heard that before, […]