Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #78: King of Pentacles

There once was a king who inherited both his family’s crown and their proclivity for acquisition. There wasn’t an object of beauty that they wouldn’t seek to buy, nor a marker of success that they wouldn’t find a spot to display as prominently as they were able. Theirs was an abundant realm, but more important […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #77: Two of Cups

Once there were two people who had long kept their hearts hidden from the world. It wasn’t a conscious thing, mostly, just the sort of decision that gets made after a bout of heart-bruising, and then a little extra caution intended to help avoid that happening again, thanks, and then a shifting from intentional choice […]

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #76: The Tower

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #75: The Hierophant

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #74: Queen of Pentacles


Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #73: Knight of Wands

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #72: King of Cups

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #71: The Lovers


Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #70: Six of Wands

Tarot Writing

Tarot Stories #69: 2 of Wands

Once upon a time, before there was time, a person stood upon the top of a wall, looking out over all that was theirs to survey, and also looking within the depths of a planet they held in their hand. Now. This is one of those things that sounds quite impossible (and so it is) […]