Tarot Writing

Tarot Secrets: Nine of Pentacles

a picture of the 9 of pentacles card from the tarot, illustrated by Pamela Coleman Smith

Everything here is an aspect of myself, of course. The grapes that nourish and delight my senses are a manifestation of work I put in long ago, finally bearing fruit. The castle, in the distance, reflects ancestors who lived before me and left a framework to build my life around. Even the snail, slowly making its way back from a long journey, is familiar enough. I have, more than once, made a slow circuit of the frontiers around me before returning to more familiar ground.

And then, of course, there is the falcon, come to rest on my wrist. Clever, wild, vicious when it needs to be, very likely the most competent facet of this estate that is me.

Why, then, have I opted to keep it hooded for so long?

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