


If you’re the sort who enjoys webcomics and Sinfest isn’t on your regular list, I humbly submit that it should be. I don’t think I’d recommend starting from the beginning, since that would involve beginning from comic #1, which is dated January 17, 2000. Today’s comic is #4,146.

(As an aside, there have been 4,378 days between January 17, 2000 and January 12, 2012. In other words, there have been 232 days without a comic. In the last twelve years. The mind boggles more than a little.)

In any case – I wouldn’t suggest plowing through the full archives. But do consider reading, even if you just start from today’s rather beautiful strip about love, inspiration, and abject terror. I can’t help but feel for Fuschia here as she confesses her angst to the kindly coffee shop owner.