Today’s installment of Sinfest
If you’re the sort who enjoys webcomics and Sinfest isn’t on your regular list, I humbly submit that it should be. I don’t think I’d recommend starting from the beginning, since that would involve beginning from comic #1, which is dated January 17, 2000. Today’s comic is #4,146.
(As an aside, there have been 4,378 days between January 17, 2000 and January 12, 2012. In other words, there have been 232 days without a comic. In the last twelve years. The mind boggles more than a little.)
In any case – I wouldn’t suggest plowing through the full archives. But do consider reading, even if you just start from today’s rather beautiful strip about love, inspiration, and abject terror. I can’t help but feel for Fuschia here as she confesses her angst to the kindly coffee shop owner.
If you’re the sort who enjoys webcomics and Sinfest isn’t on your regular list, I humbly submit that it should be. I don’t think I’d recommend starting from the beginning, since that would involve beginning from comic #1, which is dated January 17, 2000. Today’s comic is #4,146.
(As an aside, there have been 4,378 days between January 17, 2000 and January 12, 2012. In other words, there have been 232 days without a comic. In the last twelve years. The mind boggles more than a little.)
In any case – I wouldn’t suggest plowing through the full archives. But do consider reading, even if you just start from today’s rather beautiful strip about love, inspiration, and abject terror. I can’t help but feel for Fuschia here as she confesses her angst to the kindly coffee shop owner.
3 replies on “Terrified”
Ah, this strip! I’ve run across it from time to time, but never been a regular reader. Thanks for the reminder!
I’m having an oddly difficult time setting it up in Google Reader. If you read it there, would you mind sharing your feed URL?
Yep, I follow it by RSS. Here’s the link I use:
Brrrrrrrrillllllliant. Don’t know why that wasn’t showing up for me. Thanks!