Month: August 2018
There are moments, of course, where no story can be told without pain, and when that happens there are three choices: Tell the story anyway, and let the pain season the tale as it will. Tell a story about something else related to that moment – the light through a window, or how a […]
There was once an adventurer who had been traveling for a long, long time. It was a journey that felt even longer than it was because they had finished their adventure already, and this was the journey home. They had won the great war, or defeated the mighty serpent, or healed the heart of the […]
Once there was a man who feared complacency above all else, and was aware enough to know that it was a real possibility for him. His life was fairly comfortable, and he noticed himself starting to assume, from time to time, that things did – or could – work as easily for everyone. So he […]
There was once a woman who wished more than anything to be of service to the people around her. They were in need of many things, among them food and shelter and care of all sorts, and she dedicated herself to being of use. There was just one problem. Well, several problems. She was an […]
There are those who will counsel you to avoid heartbreak, and it’s understandable enough. Heartbreak is awful, and painful, and can call into question all that one has done or believed or trusted in the past. Avoiding that feeling, for many, seems like the most reasonable goal one can imagine. What they fail to acknowledge, […]
Once there was a person who had created an entirely satisfying life, full of good work and pleasant friendships and a little more of what they needed than they needed (which is, it must be said, a very good spot to be). They were aware of their comfort, but also of a growing sense of […]
Once there was an artist who sculpted in stone, and had spent their life dreaming of a project worthy of the skill they believed that they possessed. It was an article of faith for the artist that they were capable of more than they’d been allowed to attempt in the past, if only the opportunity […]
Once, a long time ago, the world was a difficult and challenging place. There were wars and there was hunger and no matter where one looked, it seemed like there was another problem that had to be solved or endured. In that way, perhaps, the world wasn’t all that different from what we might encounter […]
There was once a place called the City of Scales that valued fairness above all other virtues. As a result, when there were people in the city who needed help, there were programs to offer aid, which was all to the good, and those programs had many rules associated with them. After all, it would […]